Be sure to read over the general information items as they are updated from years past. This season we require that you do the following BEFORE you receive your Sports Jersey. All of these items can be turned into the school office.
- Complete the medical release form.
- Make your Sports Fee Payment to Faith Christian School.
- Have a current sports physical on file with the school.
- A $50 refundable deposit. You will receive your full deposit back at the end of the season when your jersey is returned in the same condition you received it in.
- Our kids need our help to make our basketball season a success. A separate $100 check per family, made payable to FCS, will be collected at the time of uniform pick up. For families who sign up and volunteer at least 6 times during the season, this $100 check will be returned to you at the end of the season. If your family chooses not to help out, this money will be used to help offset the cost of our athletic program.
Please feel free to reach out to the office with any question at or 320.294.5501

Boys Basketball Varsity
Practice Schedule – Beginning November 11th
- Monday 6:30 – 8:30 pm
- Tuesday & Thursday 5:00 – 7:00 pm
- Friday 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Varsity Pricing
- FCS Student: $200
- Homeschool Student: $250

Girls JV Basketball (7th - 12th)
Boys JV Basketball
(grades may vary)
Practice Schedule – Beginning November 11th
- Monday 4:30 – 6:30
- Tuesday & Thursday 3 – 5 pm
- Friday 4:30 – 6:30 pm
JV Pricing
- FCS Student: $200
- Homeschool Student: $250

Girls Elementary/JH Basketball
(4th - 6th Grades)
Practice Schedule – Beginning November 11th
- Monday & Friday 3 – 4:30 pm
Elementary Pricing
- FCS Student: $100
- Homeschool Student: $100

Boys Junior High (6th - 8th)
Practice Schedule – Beginning November 11th
- Monday & Friday 3 – 4:30 pm
Junior High Pricing
- FCS Student: $100
- Homeschool Student: $100