Volleyball Registration Form Volleyball Registration First Name *Last NameAthlete Phone NumberWhat sport are you registering for? *Select OptionVarsity VolleyballJV VolleyballElementary VolleyballParent Name *Parent Phone Number *Parent Email Address *Athlete's Grade *4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12thHealth Insurance Information - Company Name & Policy Number (You can omit if submitted this fall) *Do you have an up to date medical eligibility form turned into the school? *YesNoHow do you plan to pay? *Send check in to schoolBring it on the first day of practiceIs your child enrolled in an online public school? *Yes - Please talk to the office 320.294.5501NoBy agreeing to this form you are also agreeing to all of Faith Christian By laws, policies, and are subject to disciplinary actions, which can be removal from team play, lose of time playing, etc., if these are not met. Until payment, medical eligibility form, and registration are completed your student will not be allowed to participate in games. *I AgreeSubmit